Dates and Deadlines

  • 31.08.2014: Abstract submission deadline
  • 15.09.2014: Communication of review results
  • 30.09.2014: Deadline for submission of revised abstract.
  • 10.10.2014: Registration payment deadline
  • 07.11.2014 - 09.11.2014: 2014 AIESEP Specialist Seminar - The Pedagogy of Outdoor and Leisure Activities

Call for papers

     Any scientific research, implemented project, or front-line experience which corresponds to the congress theme and sessions may be presented. One type of paper is possible: poster presentation.
     Abstracts of papers must be submitted before 31.08.2014, and must comply strictly with the following editorial instructions:

1. Title: Arial bold 14. Maximum two lines
2. Authors: Arial 12. Initial(s) of first name followed by family name. Authors' names are separated by a comma
3. Affiliation: Arial narrow 11. Service or department and name of institution
4. Text: maximum 300 words in Arial 10, headings in bold.
5. Parts of the text
Guidelines for  scientific research: (model)
Introduction: short introduction and main objective(s) of the study
Methods: participants, research methods, data analysis
Results: summary of the main results and discussion
Conclusions: the main conclusions of the study, implications and/or reflections
6. References: Arial 10. Three references maximum which must respect the APA system: http://www.apastyle.org/
7. Key words: Arial 10. Three key words

     Abstracts should be written in English and should be clear, concise and have been proofread for spelling and grammar. Abbreviations should be spelled out clearly in the text. Abstracts must be submitted before  August 31th to aiesepfefstm@e-uvt.ro . They will be assessed by members of the Scientific Committee who will take into account the relevance and originality of the subject, the clarity of the text and compliance with the specific instructions.
A receipt will be issued for each abstract no later than August 31th after they have been submitted to the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to refuse any abstract which does not meet the requirements mentioned above.