Keynotes speakers
     Internationally recognised specialists have been selected to give keynote lectures on the main research fields or practice orientations.

     1)  Prof. Donald G. DEGRAAF (Calvin College, MI, USA) will present on the pedagogical side of outdoor education (the characteristics of outdoor activities;  effective pedagogical principles in outdoor education and conditions of effectiveness;  the behaviours / beliefs / motivations of the participants/educators; the criteria for quality outdoor education; how to establish links with PE …).

     2) Dr Herman SMULDERS (European Confederation of Outdoor Employers, Belgium) & Tomas AYLWARD (Institute of Technology Tralee, Ireland) will present a speech untitled 'Developing physically literate individuals: perspectives from the outdoor sector', developing the preparation of the outdoor educators (the competences required by outdoor educator; strategies for effective  outdoor educator training; evidence of effective programmes; how PE teachers could make the link …).

     3) Dr Susana FRANCO (Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal) will explore the pedagogical side of fitness responding to many of the questions listed above. Her presentation will focus on the 'Specificities of pedagogical intervention in a fitness context'.

     4)   The preparation of fitness instructors will be analyzed by Dr Mimi ADAMI (eLF Project, Italy). The title of her presentation is 'Educating fitness instructors: Opening the door to the future'.